World Citizenship Report Analysis: a transformative European Parliament election.
Election comes amid potential far-right surges in voter turnout and global conflicts
The elections to the European Parliament are set to be among the most transformative on record, given potential far-right surges in voter turnout and conflicts in Russia, Ukraine and the Middle East.
The CS Global Partners World Citizenship Report (WCR) reveals key insights into the state of Europe, including European countries’ quality of life and economic vitality.
Monumental elections in the European Union (EU)
The EU’s only directly-elected body, the European Parliament, starts holding elections today. Elections will go from 6 to 9 June.
Preliminary analysis suggests that the results of the European Parliament elections will continue a pan-European electoral trend of losing centre-right and centre-left representation in favour of more extreme party representation.
Despite the prospect of sharp change compared to previous parliamentary terms, elections held on an EU-wide basis have been plagued by low voter turnout. This year may bring about record voter turnout, given the surge of far-right and far-left sources rather than centrist ones.
Micha Emmett, CEO of CS Global Partners, commented on the importance of the European Parliamentary elections given the geopolitical crises gripping the globe.
‘The European Parliament is a key European institution that is facing the prospect of unprecedented change. We live in a geopolitically fraught era with individuals seeking comfort amidst all the chaos,’ she said.
‘The WCR has been instrumental in calling for enhanced voter engagement and democratic choice across the globe – providing some insight into finding that solace,’ she maintained.
EU countries dominate top WCR rankings
Despite the encroachment of extremist parties, the WCR suggests that the state of European Parliamentary democracy is strong. A number of EU countries scored highly in WCR rankings, taking the report’s top spots.
The Republic of Ireland was ranked as the top country out of the whopping 188 countries studied for the report. The country’s standout performance in the Economic Opportunity and Safety and Security motivators of citizenship nabbed the country the top spot.
A verdant and friendly country, Ireland is attractive to tourists and financiers alike for its business-friendly policies and stunning natural environment.
Portugal also performed exceptionally well in the report. The country ranked eighth out of 188 countries for Economic Opportunity, and sixth for Global Mobility.
Malta ranked highly in the WCR as well. The country scored highly in the Quality of Life motivator, ranked tenth.
The quality of life in Malta is famous across the globe, with the country’s delicious cuisine influenced by flavours of West and East. The country’s sparkling beaches also induce travellers to visit across the globe.
More about the 2024 World Citizenship Report
In the 2024 World Citizenship Report, the focus shifts towards accountability in the midst of electoral transformations. It delves into the fundamental components that define the worth of citizenship and advocates for a globally inclusive perception of citizenship.
By highlighting the nations that embody key citizenship values and virtues, the report showcases its findings while taking into account the priorities of global citizens in their citizenship deliberations.
Conducting interviews with High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) globally, the 2024 WCR captures their perspectives on citizenship, political dynamics, and economic factors, reflecting their preferences and concerns.
Throughout the report, findings from the survey are integrated using a mix of qualitative and quantitative data analyses. This distinguishes the WCR from other immigration reports by offering a comprehensive examination of the significant issues influencing HNWIs.
CS Global Partners is the premier advisor in government solutions focused on attracting inward investment. The CS Global Partners WCR provides insight into investment immigration given a cross-cutting global landscape.
Download the WCR today and get ahead of the electoral change gripping Europe!