Singapore Residence by Investment Programme

Singapore’s Global Investor Programme (GIP) grants permanent residence status to eligible investors who drive growth in the country’s economy. The GIP is aimed at high-net-worth individuals and encourages successful businesspeople and entrepreneurs to invest in new or existing business ventures, or a new or existing Singapore-based family office.

Singapore remains one of the world’s strongest economies and is a global hub for business and innovation. It is also one of the world’s most connected countries, strategically located along the world’s major trade, shipping, and aviation routes.

Singapore’s excellent standard of living has encouraged many individuals to relocate through the GIP. Frequently voted the best Asian country in which to live, Singapore has emerged as a world-class destination with excellent infrastructure, public services, and one of the most harmonious multicultural communities in the world. It also boasts one of the world’s lowest crime rates, a high level of political stability, and is rated as one of the wealthiest countries in terms of GDP per capita.

Residents above 21 years old can also apply for citizenship after two years of permanent residence in Singapore. However, Singapore is a strictly single citizenship country, meaning that applicants must relinquish any existing citizenship elsewhere before naturalisation is possible.










Those who have permanent residency in Singapore can benefit from several key advantages, including:

  • Right to live, work, study, and undertake business in Singapore.
  • Access to excellent infrastructure, education and healthcare.
  • Political stability and low crime rates.

Applicants are eligible to apply for permanent residence under the GIP if they meet the qualifying criteria, including having a substantial business track record and a successful entrepreneurial background.

Each Singapore GIP investment option has a specific application process and a particular set of requirements that must be fulfilled. Applicants can choose one of the following investment options:

An investment of SGD2,500,000 in a new business entity or in the expansion of an existing business in a permitted industry.

Under this option, applicants must submit a detailed 5-year business or investment plan with projected employment,
expenditure, and financial projections.

The business plan will be assessed on its feasibility, the applicant’s role in the company,
the business activities, and the creation of local jobs.
A contribution of SGD2,500,000 into a government-approved ‘GIP’ fund that invests in Singapore-based companies.

Under this option, applicants will be assessed based on their future business or investment plans in Singapore.

This may include specific details on proposed business activities, amount of investment, and the creation of local jobs.
An investment of SGD2,500,000 in a new or existing Singapore-based single family office having Assets-Under-Management of at least SGD200,000,000.

Under this option, applicants must submit a detailed 5-year business plan with projected employment and annual financial

The business plan will be assessed based on the applicant’s role in the single family office, the functions of the family office, the proposed investment sectors, asset types, and geographical focus.
The following basic fees apply to the three options:
• Application Fee: Per Application -SGD10,000
• Permit Processing Fee: Per Applicant -SGD100
• Bank transfer fees
• CS Global Partners Professional Fees

Investor must fit one of four profiles:

  • Established Business Owner – with at least 3 years of entrepreneurial and business track record; running a company with an annual turnover of at least SGD200 million in the last year and at least SGD200 million per year on average for the last 3 years; with at least 30 per cent shareholding in the company if privately held; and the company operates within an approved list of industries
  • Next Generation Business Owners – whose immediate family has at least 30 per cent shareholding or is the largest shareholder in the company; the company’s annual turnover is at least SGD500 million in the last year and at least SGD500 million per year on average for the last 3 years; investor is part of the management team of the company; and the company operates within an approved list of industries
  • Founders of Fast Growth Companies – a founder and one of the largest individual shareholders of a company with a valuation of at least SGD500 million; the company is invested into by reputable venture capital or private equity firms; and the company operates within an approved list of industries.
  • Family Office Principals – with at least 5 years of entrepreneurial, investment, or management track record and with net investible assets of at least SGD200 million.

A Singapore permanent resident above 21 years old with at least two years of permanent residence may apply for Singapore citizenship. Each application made is considered according to the prevailing policies based on the merits of the case.

If successful, naturalised citizens can apply for a Singapore passport.

Singapore is a strictly single-citizenship country, meaning that applicants must relinquish any existing citizenship elsewhere before naturalisation is possible.

1. Upon approval of the application, the investor is granted Approval-in-Principle (AIP) Permanent Residence status.

2. Upon the making of the investment and submission of evidence thereof, the investor is granted a Final Approval of his or her Permanent Residence status.

3. Within 12 months of Final Approval, the investor must formalise his or her Permanent Residence status.

4. Upon receipt of Permanent Residence status, the investor receives a Re-Entry Permit that allows the investor to travel in and out of Singapore without affecting his or her Permanent Residence status. Valid for an initial 5 years, the Re-Entry Permit must be renewed for either 3 or 5 years, subject to the investor fulfilling certain conditions.

What are the investment options under the Singapore Residency by Investment Programme?

  • Investment in a Business Entity
  • Approved Government Fund
  • Investment in a Singapore-based Single Family Office

What are the applicant eligibility requirements?

The investor must fit one of four profiles:

  • Established business owners – with at least three years of entrepreneurial and business track record; running a company with an annual turnover of at least SGD 200 million in the past year and at least SGD 200 million per year on average for the past three years; with at least 30 per cent shareholding in the company if privately-held; and the company must operate within an approved list of industries.
  • Next generation business owners – whose immediate family has at least 30 per cent shareholding or is the largest shareholder in the company; the company’s annual turnover is at least SGD 500 million in the past year and at least SGD 500 million per year on average for the past 3 years; investor is part of the management team of the company; and the company must operate within an approved list of industries.
  • Founders of fast growth companies – a founder and one of the largest individual shareholders of a company with a valuation of at least SGD 500 million; the company must be invested into by reputable venture capital or private equity firms; and the company must operate within an approved list of industries.
  • Family office principals – with at least five years of entrepreneurial, investment, or management track record and with net investible assets of at least SGD 200 million.

Note that family office principals are only eligible to choose the ‘investment in a Singapore-based single family office’ option.

Which family members can I include in my application for residency?

The following family members may be included in the application for permanent residence:

  • Spouse
  • Children of the investor if aged under 21 and unmarried
    Note: Male children who obtain permanent residence status are liable for National Service

The following family members are not eligible to be included in the application, but may instead apply for a five-year Long Term Visit Pass (whose validity is dependent on the investor’s Re-Entry Permit):

  • Unmarried children of the investor aged 21 or above
  • Parents of the investor

Is there a residency requirement?

Yes. Applicants who wish to renew permanent residence status must have resided in Singapore for more than half of the time from obtaining permanent residence status to renewal.

How long does it take to process a Residency by Investment application?

Applications take approximately 3 months to be processed. This is subject to complete submission of all required supporting documents at the point of application. Applications will also be subject to due diligence checks.

Are citizens of certain countries not allowed to apply?

Singapore does not explicitly restrict citizens of any countries or territories.

What is the duration of the residence permit?

The permit is valid for an initial five years; the Re-Entry Permit must be renewed for either three or five years, subject to the investor fulfilling certain conditions.

Is this programme for me?

The Singapore GIP eases the way for global professionals to set up and operate businesses in Singapore.

The following persons may be a good fit for the Programme:

  • Investors interested in starting up a business in Singapore
  • Individuals interested in investing in Singapore.
  • Founders of fast growth companies.
  • Next generation business owners.

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